Sober living

8 Warning Signs Of A Xanax Alprazolam Addiction

Many people also benefit from general therapy to help with things like past traumas, mental health disorders, and stressful situations. This type of benzodiazepine is fast active and very potent, so many people end up using it recreationally. As one of the most commonly abused prescription medications, Xanax is a component in many substance use […]

8 Warning Signs Of A Xanax Alprazolam Addiction Leer más »

How Long Does Dexedrine Dextroamphetamine Stay in Your System?

The physical exam findings may include altered mental status, hyperactivity, agitation, confusion, and gross psychosis with paranoia requiring chemical and physical restraints. Some very severe findings may include increases in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, tachycardia, dysrhythmias, hypertensive emergencies, and stroke. Skin flushing can often be seen with amphetamine toxicity, and other cutaneous findings include

How Long Does Dexedrine Dextroamphetamine Stay in Your System? Leer más »

Ayahuasca: Psychological and Physiologic Effects, Pharmacology and Potential Uses in Addiction and Mental Illness PMC

A significant dimension of the spiritual experience was a transformation of personal consciousness in ways that eliminated the craving for drugs. Furthermore, these early observations are in line with the experimental findings of Griffiths’ team at the Johns Hopkins University (Griffiths et al., 2011) using psilocybin. By analyzing the reports of many 100s of ayahuasca

Ayahuasca: Psychological and Physiologic Effects, Pharmacology and Potential Uses in Addiction and Mental Illness PMC Leer más »

Kratom Abuse & Addiction Withdrawal Symptoms & Signs

However, there has been little documentation of this in the literature other than anecdotal reports (e.g., in Axelrod and Windell 2012, p.56). Broader commercial marketing of kratom products in the US by internet and in various health and natural food stores apparently began to increase in the early 2000s. A kratom industry survey estimated that

Kratom Abuse & Addiction Withdrawal Symptoms & Signs Leer más »

Kratom: Effect on Brain, Traditional Uses, Side Effects

The DEA notes several cases of psychosis or hallucinations have been reported after kratom consumption. Though possible, a research review suggests serious adverse effects from kratom are very rare. For many people, the answer to this is physical pain, but for others, it could be something much deeper. Visiting a mental health therapist is invaluable

Kratom: Effect on Brain, Traditional Uses, Side Effects Leer más »